
Yikes Bikes

Lately in certain circles there has been a lot of bicycle talk (hi Gary and David!). It is getting nice out and thus a return to fresh airs and bike riding. My dream is to one day, when I live in a sick loft and create beautiful garments by day and eat ambrosia and drink Dom P by night, to have a bicycle to match every outfit. I would like to have an all black bicycle with a white bell for fancy outings ( I would wear a horse riding helmut with it of course), a good road bike for a long ride – like an ill Bianchi- and an all out awesome bike to impress the hipsters with.

I looked into this black bike of my dreams and like all dreams do it pointed to the Kaiser. Thanks Karl, send one with the clothes.

Chanel Bike !!!

Impressing the bike enthousiasts

this bike is just for horsing around

" everyone has a right to hop on a fixie and custom paint it and get a carbon front wheel and add a top-tube pad for extra cool points, then put on their hottest outfit to ride around in. It's the hipster version of an Escalade on 22's."


claire said...

i've had enough with the bikes! except if you wear not just the horse riding helmet, but the whole horse riding getup. that's a hot look!

D-e-a-d-S-e-r-i-o-u-s said...

C, prefers the traditional 'lac on 22'z