
I'm on the Internet - I'm F* ing Famous


On Sunday after guiltily crossing the threshold of American Apparel my sister and I were approached by a very obviously shy and awkward reporter. She wanted to ask some questions about eye makeup and so we really hammed it up for her as only sisters do best. I had just come from the Avon Breast Cancer Walk so was not wearing any makeup, but low and behold our charm and wit obviously impressed her into thinking I had gorgeously lined eyes and made her feature us as her lead. But I must admit I lied… I actually usually wear black eyeliner. This drives home my previous statements that I will never go into American Apparel again; it always makes you look stupid!

http://www.myspace.com/ninjasonik Song: Internet Bitch

1 comment:

jessica said...

you're a ceWEBrity, haha